Monday, 16 May 2011

Australia can support a MUCH larger population

Posted to ABC 7.30 Report on 16/5/2011 at 4:49 PM
Australia can support a MUCH larger population

Growth for growth sake is definitely pointless. However, Australia is a big country and surrounded by water - one of the biggest island on earth. However, we keep saying that we cannot support a much larger population, and it is not sustainable to have a big population.

Big population has its advantages - economy of scale, in terms of business sales, production, utilisation of assets, etc. Many large cities of the world have population much more than Victoria or New South Wales, and yet these cities prosper and flourish.

Sustainability will be a flop if we don't build more schools, hospitals, houses and infrastructure, or grow more food, capture more rainfall, purified more water, etc. We keep taking from the ground via mining, and not putting back or growing enough to re-nourish the land.

Not all the international students coming to Australia will become citizens of this country. The population growth is not as frightening as 300,000 per year as reported. Statisticians who make such projections are based on incorrect assumption. Properly managed population provides a larger pool of tax revenue. If we are selective to pick just the cream of these students, Australia can only benefit rather than being disadvantaged.

If we are short of food, we grow them from seeds; if we demand more electricity, we build power stations; if we need to travel, we build cars, aeroplanes, boats; if we have to stop swine flu spreading, we develop vaccines.

Why are Australians still sitting on their bums, keep whinging about lack of water? Open the atlas or search on Google and check out what is surrounding Australia? If all the whingers start to use their brains instead of their mouths, water shortage will never be a daily topic!

Many people in the world still do not believe that men landed on the Moon close to 42 years ago; many people in the world can never imagine that the monstrous size computer of the 50’s can be shrunk to the size of a note pad and yet is billions times more powerful; many people still hold the view that Australia vast desert landscape cannot be transformed into productive land one day.

If United States can support 14 times more people than Australia, where is the problem? Australians MUST change their mindset about Australia is going to be overpopulated!

Get real - Australia is not lack of water or lack of rain. Australia lacks “grey matter”, lacks innovation, and worst of all, Australia lacks good leaders!

Read related blogs:
Wake up Australia, Grow up Australia
Australia needs population growth